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Kelly Sports Week 9

Kia Ora bloggers

Yesterday my class went to the field to do Kelly sports

and we did five different games called

circle pass first,Inchworm second,Keep the ball off the ground  third,

Shipwreck fourth and Shark attack last.

what would be your favorite?

blog you later


Kia ora bloggers

I think I would rather be a bug so that I can fit into

small spaces and go places where I wouldn’t be

able to go when I was normal size

what size would you want to be?

blog you later


Kia ora bloggers

I think that Ivan does remember his

childhood because if he didn’t he would not

remember the stories he’s already

told to ruby

because its to sad to remember

and he probably misses his family

so he probably try to forget so that he

can try and enjoy where he is staying

what do you think about Ivan?

blog you later



Kia ora bloggers

I would rather a robot because it could do

stuff for you and also might have a jet pack inside

and you might be able go on its back and it could talk

to you it could be like your friend

what would you choose?

blog you later


Novel ponder 1

Kia ora bloggers

    No I don’t think gorillas should live in a mall

because they need space to swing around and go up high up

into trees

No I don’t think Ivan is lonely because he says in the

book that he has friends

bob the dog and Stella the elephant

If I were a gorilla I would want to live in my natural habitat

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Kia ora bloggers

My favorite features about Mr lemoncellos library

is the holograms and the cafeteria

what are your favorite features about Mr lemoncellos library?

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